Results for shaders@version-mixing vs-gs


Result: pass

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.182545
Testing versions 110 and 110: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 110 and 120: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 110 and 130: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 110 and 140: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 110 and 150: Success.
Testing versions 120 and 110: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 120 and 120: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 120 and 130: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 120 and 140: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 120 and 150: Success.
Testing versions 130 and 110: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 130 and 120: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 130 and 130: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 130 and 140: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 130 and 150: Success.
Testing versions 140 and 110: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 140 and 120: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 140 and 130: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 140 and 140: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 140 and 150: Success.
Testing versions 150 and 110: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 150 and 120: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 150 and 130: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 150 and 140: Not tested (GS requires GLSL 1.50).
Testing versions 150 and 150: Success.

PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/usr/local/lib/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /usr/local/lib/piglit/bin/version-mixing vs-gs -auto -fbo


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